9 Kitchen Remodeling Ideas

Homeownersare often unhappy with the current state of their kitchens because the spacesmay look outdated or not function in a way that suits their lifestyle. Perhapsthey see new kitchen designs on Pinterest or other places on the internet, andit makes them unhappy with the current state of their home. Whatever the reasona homeowner has for desiring kitchen remodeling, Utica residents can restassured when they look to experienced kitchen remodeling companies to providefor those needs. Kitchen design experts can offer sound advice on what willwork best for the space and the budget.

Forthose homeowners that aren’t sure if kitchen remodeling is for them, thefollowing ideas are meant to spark the imagination. These nine ideas offervarious ways that a kitchen can be updated or made more useful for the family.Function and form come together to create a kitchen space that will make thehomeowner happy each time he or she enters the room.

Add a Backsplash

Thefood preparation area of the kitchen can be made more visually appealing byadding a tile backsplash. This kitchen design choice is quite functional, and itwill last a very long time when properly installed by a professional. Thecreativity of the homeowner can really be put into play with a backsplash,because tile offers so many options. There are plenty of different shapes,colors, sizes, patterns, and textures that can be used when choosing abacksplash design. For example, a very popular option that suits many differentdecor styles is subway tile.

Paint the Cabinets

One ofthe single largest fixtures in a home is the kitchen cabinets. They generallytake up the majority of the wall space in a kitchen, and when they areoutdated, it can really hurt the visual appeal of the entire home. While many peoplecan’t afford a whole new set of cabinets when doing kitchen remodeling inUtica, they can usually spring for a fresh coat of paint or two. A kitchencontractor can totally transform a kitchen in a matter of hours by adding a newand more up to date paint color to the cabinets.

Put in an Island

Manymodern kitchen remodeling ideas include the addition of an island. Thisversatile piece of cabinetry can be very beneficial to the homeowner'slifestyle, as islands can add extra storage space for dishes, more food prepcounter space, and extra seating for mealtimes. Any kitchen design that hasenough space to add an island, whether built-in or moveable, should takeadvantage of the room and add more function to the home. Islands also can be away for homeowners to express their style.

Use Shelving

Oneof the modern trends, especially in the farmhouse and eclectic-style homes, isopen shelving instead of cabinetry on the upper portion of the kitchen. Formany homeowners, this look gives the room an airier feel that they enjoy. It isalso a way to do kitchen remodeling, making small Utica kitchens feel muchlarger. It is recommended that the lower shelf start at about 18” from thecountertop to maximize the space and avoid overcrowding.

Spice Up the Countertops

Manykitchen remodeling ideas featured on design websites or even image searchesfeature countertops in showstopping colors and designs. Gone are the days whenthe average kitchen simply had laminate countertops installed in a neutralcolor. While that is still an option for those that enjoy sleek and simpleneutrals, for those that are more adventurous, there are colorful and dramaticgranites, poured resins, or even acid dyed concretes.

Update Appliances

Manyremodeling experts will tell homeowners that a good way to improve on theirkitchen design is to update their appliances. While the perfect color andfunctions are important to consider, there are also things likeenergy-efficiency that should be researched as well. Plus, many homeowners arenow looking for appliances that can be added to their smart homefunctionalities.

Create a Breakfast Nook

Forthose with large spaces seeking kitchen remodeling, Utica contractors candesign and add cozy little breakfast nooks to corners that are currently goingunused. If the homeowner doesn’t have a need for extra eating space, thesenooks can be designed for extra storage or as a place for kids to do homework.Whatever function would fit in most perfectly with the homeowner’s lifestylecan be explored. For some, it may be a comfortable chair and lamp for readingwhile sipping the morning cup of coffee. For others, it may be a spot forpreparing homemade pasta. Professional kitchen remodeling contractors can helpa homeowner decide how to turn an empty corner into a cozy nook that willlikely see the most use out of all the other spaces within the home.

Open Up the Space

Fewthings transform a kitchen better than opening up the space. This may not bepractical for every kitchen, but it can dramatically upgrade the workable area.A kitchen designer will recommend various options, and the homeowner can selectwhat will be functional and budget-friendly. Some people, instead of buying newhomes, are enjoying the update process in their 70s or 80s home, that removeswalls, heavy cabinetry and other obstructions, to provide open access to theirkitchen. Choosing lighter colors for the cabinets, and lighter coloredcountertops, can take a dark, crowded kitchen, and turn it into a place wherethe whole family congregates.

Add in Details

Goodkitchen design will incorporate the personality of the homeowners, and that ismost often shown in the little details that are added. For coffee lovers, thekitchen may have a special coffee corner built in. However, the baker may havean island installed that has the perfect butcher block countertop for makingbread. Even the places to hang cookware and access spices can be updated. Thereare so many little details that can be added to the kitchen design to trulymake the space special and unique.


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