5 Advantages of Contemporary Kitchens

Whetherplanning some kitchenremodeling in Royal Oak, or a bit of kitchenremodeling in Utica, there are some distinct advantages for those who opt for acontemporary style. While the term contemporary brings to mind words like“modern,” “trendy” and even “high-tech,” it is also about an up-to-date stylethat is reflective of current esthetics in home and kitchen design. It is alsoabout embracing innovation, and yet that doesn’t mean a cold or a sterileenvironment.

In fact, amore modern kitchen is often attention-grabbing and remarkably efficient, sleekand yet enticing. Most feature an open plan that makes them far more appealingto groups as well as individuals, and most modern kitchens use an array ofmaterials that give them an eye-catching look.

Are those theonly advantages to opting for the contemporary or modern style when planningsome kitchen remodeling in Royal Oak or a bit of kitchen remodeling in Utica?No, there are also such benefits as:

Premium Technology

Using the word“contemporary” when describing a kitchen means that all of the currenttechnological advances can be integrated into the space. Not only does thekitchen operate at a much higher level of functionality, but it can end upbeing safer. With everything from timers to appliances integrated into thespace, it becomes easier than ever to prepare food, manage settings, and eventrack inventory in the home.

There’s a widevariety of products and appliances available on the market that will make yourkitchen “smart.” Many of these appliances work with services such as AmazonAlexa and Google Assistant, providing an extra level of convenience. You cancheck what’s in your fridge through your connected refrigerator while you’re atthe grocery store, and have a fresh pot of coffee brewed with your smartphoneconnected coffee maker ready when you get back home.

Of course,contemporary kitchens are also some of the most “entertaining” when modernadvancements are integrated into their design. That means kitchen remodeling inRoyal Oak or kitchen remodeling in Utica can help to turn a kitchen into anentertainment space as much as a functional one.

Advanced Appliances

Naturally,when doing any sort of kitchen remodeling it is the perfect moment to introducemodern appliances. While things like dishwashers and new refrigerators are anobvious option, consider that kitchen remodeling in Royal Oak or kitchenremodeling in Utica can mean warming drawers, wine coolers, built-in convectionovens, refrigerated drawers, and more. And integrating them into the design andthe space makes a tremendous difference in the overall look and flow of thekitchen.

Your applianceoptions can all be based on the style of cooking you do most often. If youenjoy entertaining and baking, you might opt for a large range and double oven.At the same time, you might want a deep farmhouse sink to help prep and cleanup afterwards. Large families may also opt for similar options plus an extralarge, commercial style refrigerator. It’s all about the lifestyle you live anddesigning your kitchen to improve your functionality and efficiency.

A Center of Productivity

No matter theappliances and upgrades you choose, your kitchen needs to be efficient andproductive. You want the kitchen to flow and provide access to what you needwhen you need it. You don’t want to have to walk around a giant island to getto your pantry while you’re in the middle of cooking dinner. Pay specialattention to the work areas, counter space and accessibility as you remodelyour kitchen, to ensure the best possible use of space. Follow the “worktriangle” so that you have your most-used appliances at the corners of thetriangle for maximum efficiency.

Sometimes it’snot just about the cooking that’s being done in the kitchen. The kitchen isoften a center of activity. If you have a family, you might want an extra largeisland with the option for seating, so you can help the kids while they dotheir homework. You might even want a mini office area or computer station. Theoptions are endless.

Premium Storage

By opting for a more modern style during a remodel, it is alsopossible for the owner to enjoy optimal storage that enables easy access anduse of appliances and gear. As an example, modern storage for small appliances,cookware, and gear is far more functional, and prevents the kitchen fromappearing cluttered.

Rather than a countertop lined with blender, toaster, foodprocessor and all the rest, modern cabinetry can offer sleek concealment, whileenabling an owner to easily slide open a drawer or cabinet and retrieve what’sneeded. In addition, pop-up shelving for stand-up mixers and other appliancesalso provide you with extra workspace.

Islands can provide you with extra storage space in the form ofcabinets, drawers or even small appliances, like a wine cooler. Alternatively,islands can be used as cooking and cleaning stations, leaving the extraworkspace along the walls and additional options for storage.

Don’t forget you can get creative with your cabinets as well.Cabinets designed to hold spices, cans, or even pots and pans, are popular waysof hiding clutter while also providing an extra level of organization. Fromhigh to low, you can take advantage of wall space to ensure you have room tostore away pots and pans, dishware and more.

Energy Efficiency

Lastly, whenplanning kitchen remodeling in Royal Oak or kitchen remodeling in Utica, it isvital to recognize the opportunity to make the space as energy efficient aspossible. A true renovation can allow for appliances to transition fromelectric to gas, and for the overall design of everything from lighting toplumbing to be improved in terms of efficiency.

There are somany ways that a contemporary kitchen brings an array of advantages to anowner. When planning for a remodel, it is important to consider this particularstyle and determine if it will work well within the home.


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