Top Options for Kitchen Countertops

When you’re talking about kitchen countertop options, the question really boils down to which material is most cost effective, or which material you prefer. The most popular choice is still plastic laminate because it is the cheapest, generally, on the market. The quality of plastic laminate differs depending on the brand, but in general, it’s very hard, durable, and effective at what it does. For others, the fact that it’s popular and cheap is a major turn off, and truth be told, there are a number of options available on the market today for those who would prefer a different material. What are they?#1. StoneStone is always going to be a popular option because stone is natural. For those who like going rustic and dislike processed and engineered material, stone is going to be one the options at the top of their list. For countertops, there are three major options available: granite, slate, and soapstone. Of these, granite is the most popular, mainly because the price for granite as a material has come down in recent years, but prices can still reach $250 per square foot, depending on texture and color. For those who want slate or soapstone, there are fewer choices in terms of color, but soapstone can be integrated into sinks in order to match up, and it is generally cheaper than slate which will cost at least $100 per square foot. Each of these is an excellent option, so the choice will come down to finding a color and texture that you really like.#2. Solid Surfacing MaterialsThere are a number of options for solid surfacing materials, and they are excellent for both resisting scratches and stains. The materials are generally made from a either polyester or acrylic or some combination of both. While some don’t like solid surfacing materials because they’re simply an imitation of stone, you have far more options available at your disposal in terms of coloring and style. Modern solid surface also contains synthetic stone composites; quartz is very popular, and from a designer’s perspective, the possibilities are virtually endless.#3. WoodWith modern upgrades to wood, wood is no longer an awful option in the kitchen. Polyurethane seals are used to protect the surface of the wood, but it’s still going to be softer than plastic laminate, stone, and solid surfacing materials. Another reason wood is a better option is because you won’t have to invest in cutting boards any longer. Wood is less prone to giving bacteria a good habitat to multiply, so it’s more hygienic than plastic as well. There are some options for you in terms of wood, but rock maple is by far the most popular.“Folks interested in redoing their countertops have a number of excellent options beyond plastic laminate, nowadays,” says one contractor who installs kitchen countertops in West Bloomfield, MI. “There’s some great upscale options at your disposal nowadays.” 


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