Surprising Things That Can Add Value to Your Home

When it comes to getting a home ready for sale, the biggest thing on the homeowner’s mind is what they can do in order to get their home sold in the quickest amount of time for the greatest amount of money. For the most part, conventional wisdom is correct and investing in something like a bathroom remodel or kitchen remodeling in Livonia will give you the greatest amount of return on your investment. However, raising your home’s value isn’t just a matter of grand gestures. A lot of the time, it’s the smaller things that you do that can make quite a difference as well. Here are some slick smaller things you can do that may pay off in the end.Smart Homes: You don’t have to be a tech wizard to reap the benefits. A lot of people talk about the benefits of automation in terms of making your life easier, but how about saving money? For example, smart appliances like toilets and faucets help minimize water use, which means more savings on your utility bill. For how much people pay for these, this will help sell things in its own right soon enough.Evergreen Design Concepts: It’s a bit of a struggle to decide what this means, but there are a couple of easy decisions you can make, like painting neutral colors on the wall. This doesn’t apply to every surface, though, like the ceiling for example. We’re starting to see a lot more homeowners using their ceilings for some exciting designs, whether it’s painting different colors or using wallpaper to create added texture. `Natural Infusions: Tech in the home is a good thing. However, some people feel that using too much of it tips the vibe of a house into too much of a sterile direction. One way that people get around this is through using natural furnishings. This can include a new piece of furniture made from natural materials like wooden stools or countertops. Wall artwork is another way to put it in if you don’t want to deal with maintaining wood.The nice thing about everything we mentioned is that you don’t have to do it all at once. This means that you can get your expansive remodel done, then work on one or two of these a few months later without giving yourself a financial headache—always a plus. If it helps, you may want to consult with a realtor or design expert before you get underway to know what things you can do that can have the most impact for the least effort—something anyone can appreciate.


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