Pre-Production Questions to Ask a Contractor

What Will the Schedule be? When it comes to major home remodeling projects, establishing at least an outline of a schedule is an absolute must. Coming up with a detailed plan of the work to be done will provide the homeowner with an idea of what to expect during the remodeling process, allowing them to have a large-scale view on what the project will be like. Additionally, it will allow the homeowner to have a benchmark which will help them keep track of tasks that are a day or two late. Who Will be Coming In and Out of the Home? This is particularly important for residential home remodels. A homeowner's home is their sanctuary, and they need to be informed as to who they can expect to be doing consistent work at the home. Ideally, a contractor will introduce his or her main team of workers, and the homeowner will have a familiar face to keep track of. Additionally, if a homeowner sees a face in the house that he or she doesn't recognize, then the contractor can be consulted accordingly. It's important for the homeowner to be aware of who will be responsible for opening and locking up the job site, and who he or she can contact regularly with questions pertaining to the job. Is There Anything Concerning About the Project? Sometimes, a contractor won't reveal a daunting aspect of the home remodel unless they're directly asked. For example, they might have to install bathroom vanities in cabinets tightly sandwiched by high-polish wooden panels. In most home remodel projects, there's at least one area that is likely to trigger some stress on behalf of the contractor. Of course, competent contractors have the knowledge and expertise to maneuver their way around most obstacles that can potentially arise in a home. In any case, an involved homeowner should be made aware of any areas of potential concern. That way, the client and contractor can work together to find a solution. What Are the Required Availabilities? While homeowners operate on their own specific schedules, it's important to keep in mind that the same thing applies to contractors. In order for the project to progress smoothly and efficiently, the homeowner needs to be available to either consult in-person or over the phone at certain times. Even if weekly meeting times are honored and established, there will likely be a time when the homeowner will need to see or speak to the contractor with little to no prior notice. It's best for homeowners to outline in detail their schedule availabilities, as this will offer the contractor some peace of mind should anything unexpected occur.  


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