The Order of Things: How to Remodel a Kitchen in the Right Order

The big mistake that most folks make when going about remodeling their kitchen is that they do the remodeling in no particular order. Residents in West Bloomfield, MI that choose to go through a kitchen contractor for all their work need to avoid contracting the individual work in the wrong order because it can end up costing you a lot of money in the long run, and you can help expedite the remodeling process as well.#1. PlanningIt may seem kind of obvious, but yes, planning out the remodel is the first step in the process. For those that like to take a proactive approach, there are a number of kitchen design software suites that are available to use to help you visualize your dream kitchen. Giving the contractor something to work with will help communicate your expectations and give them an idea of how you’re hoping it turns out. The process can be fun, but also daunting.#2. Getting Rid of the OldThe process of remodeling a kitchen is going to take some time, and during the duration of that period, you’re not going to have access to your kitchen. The next part of the process is going to be ripping out the stuff you want to replace.#3. Electrical and PlumbingIf you’re changing the layout of the kitchen, then the next step in the process for the contractors is going to be working on making the electrical and plumbing fit with your new design. It should be noted however, that homeowners can save a lot of money by forgoing rearranging the entire kitchen. For some kitchens, though, especially those that were not laid out very well, it’s not going to be possible to skip this step.#4. The WallsThe next step in the process is going to be the walls. This is going to include coming up with your favorite color scheme and then matching that with the cabinets and appliances. If you were adding space onto a smaller kitchen, this will also include knocking out walls and erecting new walls.#5. The RestThis section includes the really fun stuff like the cabinets, sink, any islands you wanted installed, and the countertops. If light fixtures were a part of the plan, those will be installed too. The last thing to be installed is the floor.“It really helps to work with folks that have some understanding of the process because it makes our job that much easier,” said one kitchen contractor in West Bloomfield, Michigan. “It also helps them organize their choices better because they have some idea of how actual construction is going to go.”    


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