Mixing and Matching Tile in Remodeled Bathrooms and Kitchens

Forpeople looking to make big changes in their kitchens or bathrooms, there isnothing quite as dramatic as new tile. Choosing to add different colors andstyles of tile when doing kitchen remodeling in Livonia or bathroom remodeling,can be a great way to cover imperfections or just add a bit of flair.

Tileis very versatile, and it can look great on a wall behind the vanities or as adramatic backsplash. Yet, there are still choices to be made because there areso many different styles of tiles. Plus, they come in a multitude of shapes andcolors.

Whenit comes to adding tile in large areas, it can be considered an investment, andmost homeowners want to make sure they are making a good one. Having samples toview side by side with paint colors and other elements that are already presentin the room, will help ensure that the choices being made will suit the space.

Hereare nine tile tips that give a little guidance on ways to best combine tilesfor a result that is sure to be pleasing for years to come.

Don’t Let Things Get Too Busy

Whendoing kitchen remodeling, Livonia homeowners are fond of adding oblong mosaictiles because they really make a statement. They are often used in backsplashesin the kitchen, but they can also be found in remodeled bathrooms. It isimportant to keep these bolder tiles in a smaller area and to combine them withlarger tiles that are plainer. Too many bold tiles in one room can make thedesign overwhelming, and the eyes have a difficult time finding a place torest.

Limit Patterns to One Surface

Manyhomeowners like to add a pattern when putting tiles in the kitchen or thebathroom. Patterns can look amazing; however, they should be limited to onesurface. If there is a lovely set of Moroccan tiles on the accent wall behindthe vanities, then tile elsewhere in the room should be kept plain. Likewise,if a person opts for a busy tile pattern on one wall, the tile that is placedon the other walls should be simple and of one solid color.

Don’t Be Afraid to Scale

Manyremodeled bathrooms will contain several different tiles in various scales, andthis usually works out to good effect. Having tiny tiles in the shower oraround the bathtub, with medium-sized tiles on the wall, can look very sleekand modern. It can be much easier to pull off this type of multi-tiled lookwhen all the tiles are in either the same color or in a very monochromaticcolor scheme.

Stone Can be a Neutral

When aroom has natural stone, this can be considered a neutral option as opposed to atile. That means the tile that is put in the room can be dramatic and with agraphic design. The natural stone won’t contrast with the tile patterns becauseit is too neutral to really compete for the eye’s attention.

Play with Matte

Whenall the various tile options used in a particular space are matte, there can bemore variation. Remodeled bathrooms with matte wall tiles can be mixed andmatched more liberally without looking too busy. The various materials andcolors in matte add a certain tactile appeal that isn’t present in glossierstyles.

Combining Matte and Glossy

If anall matte space doesn’t appeal to a homeowner, combining matte and glossy whendoing kitchen remodeling in Livonia is an option. By juxtaposing matte againstglossy, the tiles can be of a similar shape or size and still look visuallyappealing. For instance, having glossy subway tiles on the walls look quitenice when paired with a patterned matte tile backsplash. This works especiallywell when the color schemes are monochromatic, neutral, or closely related.

Same Color, Different Shape

Whenlooking at remodeled bathrooms in recent years, there are plenty of homes thatopt for tile walls. This approach works well when a contrasting grout is added.The tiles pop without being too busy. This effect looks modern and fun when thewalls are outfitted in a glossy white subway tile with a dark gray grout. Theoverall effect is a look that is somehow modern and classic at the same time.  If the contrasting grout makes too much of astatement, the grout can be matched to the tile for a more subtle look that canbe quite soothing to the eyes.

Keep Patterns Consistent, ChangeColors

Whendoing kitchen remodeling in Livonia, the homeowner may opt for tiles in varioussizes and colors. This can still make a cohesive look if the patterns are keptthe same. Make sure the shape of the tiles match each other and there is moreroom to experiment with the scale and the color contrasting. For instance, ifusing two different shades of gray tile in two different sizes, make sure thatthey are all rectangular and form a brick pattern. Otherwise, the eyes willcontinually bounce from shape to shape, and make the room feel cluttered oranxious.

Keep Color Palettes Restricted

When aroom, such as a remodeled bathroom, has a lot of different areas that are beingtiled, the color palette should be limited. While that doesn’t mean everythinghas to be one solid color, it just works better if a very specific color schemeis chosen, and all the tiles and grouts fit within that scheme.

Consider Professional Help forKitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Projects

Whilesome people can handle adding new tile to their kitchen or bathroom, manypeople find this to be a painstaking task that calls for professional skills.In Livonia, homeowners can work with tile pros who know how to lay the tileperfectly, and who understand the concepts behind harmonious designs and colorschemes. The homeowner can still have major input into the project, and the procan ensure that the results are spectacular.


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