Key Questions to Ask a Contractor During a Renovation

Who Will be Working on the Project? While it's advised that homeowners, for the most part, allow their contractor to do their job without frequent interference, it's important for a few matters to be addressed. The people that will be coming in and out of the home, for instance, is a direct concern of the homeowner's, and he or she must know who they are. It's advised that homeowners ask to be introduced to the team that will be taking care of their renovation project. During a private consultation, the homeowner should ask the contractor if each of the employees are licensed and ensured. If they aren't, it's important for homeowners to note that they might be responsible should any injury befall them while in the homeowner's property. What's The Best Way to Get in Touch? While homeowners assume that a simple phone call is always the best way to get in touch with a contractor, that's not always the case. Some contractors, for instance, particularly extremely busy contractors who spend plenty of hours in the office, tend to prefer email communication since it helps them stay organized. Others prefer communicating by text, since a phone call might interfere with the consultation they might be engaged in. Either way, it's important for homeowners to be able to reach their contractor at all times if need be. What's the ETA? It's also important for the homeowner to know approximately how long the project will take. Hopefully the contractor takes all factors into consideration when answering this question, letting homeowners know how long they can expect if all stages go smoothly, and how long the project will take if obstacles begin to pile up. What's Your Opinion? Experienced contractors have been working on homes for years, so they certainly have their own opinion on all things that comprise a property. While it's always advised that homeowners go with their own natural instinct when choosing how to remodel their property, it never hurts to ask a contractor's opinion along the way. Having second, third, fourth, etc. opinions on hand gives homeowners a better grasp on the variety of options at any given stage, and what each option has to offer.  


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