Important Things for Homeowners to Keep in Mind When Having Their Countertops Installed

Set Aside a Decent Amount of Time While installing stone countertops is a relatively straightforward process, it's entirely possible that unforeseen obstacles will hinder the job from being done in a timely manner. A 2-hour installation might very well turn into a 5-hour installation if the obstacles start compounding. Of course, homeowners have quite busy lives - still, it's best to assume that the countertop installation will comprise the better part of the day, and plan accordingly. Let the Installers do Their Job It's tempting for homeowners to linger over the shoulders of their tradespeople as they perform work on their home. This can be due to the homeowners wanting to keep a close eye on the workers in order to ensure that the job gets done properly, or it can simply be due to the homeowner wanting to learn more about the steps involved in the trade. Both are valid reasons; in any case, however, it's best for all parties involved for the homeowners to keep a reasonable distance away from the stone installers as they work. First and foremost, the workers need to be completely focused as they transport pieces into the home. Any slight distraction during this step could lead to them losing balance of the piece, causing it to fall to the floor with a huge impact. The workers also need their focus throughout the installation in order to ensure that the job is pulled off smoothly. Keep Children Away It's best to keep children a safe distance away from the kitchen or bathroom as the installers are working. Again, installers need as few distractions as possible in order to do their work optimally. Of course, since the stone pieces are at constant risk of falling as they are being transported, children need to be kept away from the working area in order to avoid the risk of injury. Additionally, stone installers tend to use epoxy glue to secure the seams and the sink. While the scent of epoxy glue is easily tolerated by adults, it's slightly less forgiving when inhaled by children. Although smelling epoxy glue isn't necessarily dangerous to children, it's best to have them play outside or in their rooms while the installers are working. Potential Smells Will Linger The smells produced by the epoxy glue will linger for a little while after the job is done. If the windows of the working area remain open, all traces of the smell should be gone after an hour. Don't Touch Anything! Though it might be tempting to test the pieces after the kitchen contractors have left, it's important to keep in mind that they measured the placement of the pieces carefully, and that the glue needs several hours to set. It's advised that homeowners wait till the next day to test the stability of their new countertop. 


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