How to Select the Perfect Countertop

The countertops in a kitchen are vital to maintaining the look, function and appeal of the space. However, this surface can quickly become damaged given the amount of use and impact it can sustain. Failing to select a reliable countertop can quickly result in cracks, damage and discoloration that will need to be repaired. To prevent the surfaces in your home from being affected it’s vital to: Select a durable material, use a timeless design, and consider the color and type of material when updating your home. If your undergoing kitchen remodeling in Livonia, continue on to the article below for an outline on how to properly select a countertop.Use a Durable MaterialIt’s critical to select a material that is highly durable. Since countertops will be frequently used to prepare meals, they can quickly become damaged if weak. This can result in cracks, breaks, discoloration, chips and stains that will need to be repaired by a professional. These repairs can be costly depending on the type of material that was used, which is why it’s important to select a material that is heat, fire, water and scratch resistant.Long Lasting AppealA timeless design is always a good choice vs. trendy styles. This can result in long-term savings when choosing a classic style that won’t look outdated in a few years. One selection that fits this idea is a classic cut of stone in a neutral shade. Selecting a design that has a neutral color allows owners to change the surrounding décor of the space without it clashing with the surface.ColorIt’s important to take time to consider the color of the material used in the kitchen. To help narrow the scope, it’s best to visit a specialty retailer who will be able to show you the different cuts that are available. While at the retailer, get some samples to bring home to see how they work with your décor. If you prefer low maintenance, you should only consider dark colors that will be better at hiding stains.


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