Going Green in Your Bathroom

For those who are planning to have their bathrooms remodeled, there’s an opportunity to go green. Green shower and toilet fixtures not only save the environment, but they’ll save you money on your monthly water bill, and even reduce your energy costs. If you’re planning on remodeling the bathroom anyway, it’s an opportunity to do a little something for yourself, and the environment at the same time.High Efficiency Energy Saving Toilets AKA “Low Flow Toilets”Toilets are one of the thirstiest fixtures in the home and account for nearly 30% of all the water the average home uses. This is more than even your shower, so it has become one of the prime areas that efficiency and environmental gurus have targeted to reduce consumption. New energy efficient toilets use less water per flush. Older toilets will use around 1.6 gallons per flush whereas the newer “low flow” toilets can get that number down to about 1.24 gallons per flush. That’s a 23% reduction in water usage overall.In addition, you can find dual flush toilets. Dual flush toilets operate on the premise that you need to flush less water for a number one than you do a number two. So, if you’ve only taken a number one, then you can push the first button and that will save you on your water bill. These toilets also use less water to flush the number two than a conventional toilet.Low Flow Shower HeadsShowers and baths are the second thirstiest water consumer in the house. They account for around 20% of your water consumption. You can cut your water usage significantly by investing in a low flow shower head. By the numbers, your typical shower head uses 2.5 gallons per minute. A showerhead of the low flow variety will reduce that to about 2 gallons per minute. They also decrease the demands on your water heater, saving you in energy costs as well.Motion Sensor FaucetsThese operate the exact same way as they do in major department stores and public restrooms. They can also save you a good chunk of change. It’s hard to estimate the numbers, but just think about all the water that’s wasted when your hands aren’t underneath the faucet, and the water is still running. Logistically, you can reduce the amount of water used by the faucet by an estimated 50%. So, even though it’s going to be one of the pricier installations, it’s also going to save you the most money.Going green isn’t just about saving the environment, although that is a huge part of it. Going green is also economically beneficial. So, investing in a green bathroom will free up your finances for other remodeling work. It’s totally worth it!  


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