Getting the Family Ready for a Remodel

Deciding to do kitchen remodeling in Utica often doesn’t happen overnight. There are a variety of things to consider, including how much it will cost, what should be done to the space, and how it will impact the value of the home after it’s done. Another thing the homeowner will have to consider is how it will impact the family.Since remodeling a home often involves being unable to use the space until the work is done, this can have a huge impact on a family. No matter what age the kids are, not being able to cook regular meals or having a table where they can do homework can be upsetting. When planning for a new kitchen design, there are some things to consider to get the family ready.

1. Hire a Family-Friendly Contractor

When looking for a contractor to help with the project, it’s important to find one who will work with the family and their challenges. It’s important to get the job done quickly and correctly, but if other issues arise, including sick kids or temper tantrums, having a contractor who has experience or can be empathetic to the family’s needs is important.If the contractor has kids and a family themselves, they may be more cautious about keeping the work area separated from the rest of the house. This could include putting up extra sheets of plastic to contain the dust or being cautious when walking through other parts of the home so they don’t track debris or construction materials that could end up in a child’s mouth.A family-friendly contractor will understand that life still needs to happen during the work, and they will try to be accommodating and aware of issues that may arise that could be upsetting or harmful to young children. They may even have some kitchen remodeling ideas to make the space even more family-friendly. This could go a long way in making the family ready for the work.

2. Set up a Temporary Kitchen

It may seem like a good plan to eat out for every meal while work is being done on the house, but the reality of this may be incredibly different. It can get ridiculously expensive, and coordinating everyone’s schedule might be tough. Setting up a temporary space where food can be prepared and consumed is a better idea.This will also allow kids to have snacks and drinks when the need arises. Without this temporary space, this task would be hard to handle, and could involve running to the store, which might not always be convenient.Having a temporary space for food might not exactly be convenient, but it will be better and healthier for the family than trying to eat out every day. Besides, it’s only temporary, so everyone should be able to make do for a short amount of time.

3. Add Eating Out into the Remodel Budget

While it’s not feasible to eat out for every meal, the family may be eating out more often than usual. Adding it into the budget will help the owner keep costs within reason and be prepared for them as they arise.Eating out will be a good chance for everyone to get away from the noise and mess for a little while. It is a good chance for everyone to enjoy the other’s company and talk about how their day is going. In addition, they’ll be able to eat some delicious food.

4. Use Disposable Dishes

Not having a regular space to prepare food also means not having a place to wash dishes. It’s possible to accomplish that in a bathroom sink, but that seems to be more hassle than it’s worth. Instead, invest in disposable dishes and make the process as easy on the family as possible. Again, it’s only temporary.

5. Realize There Will Be Noise and Dust

Having work done on a house means that the normal way of life will be disrupted. Things may need to be torn out and replaced, and this is an incredibly loud process. There will also be a lot of dust and debris floating around, and some of it is incredibly fine and will find its way to other parts of the house.Knowing that this will happen will allow everyone to be prepared for when it does. It may mean that they won’t want to spend as much time in the house, so they can make arrangements to stay with friends or family. It may also mean that workers will get there early in the morning to get started, and this can disrupt late sleepers. Again, if this is expected, then other arrangements can be made.For families with young children who may need to sleep during the day, this may be a good time to find family, friends, or a daycare that they can visit. The process is temporary, but it can still be challenging when a young child is sleep-deprived. This not only impacts the child, but also the entire family.

6. Consider Staying Somewhere Else

If possible, a family may consider finding different living arrangements until the work on the house is done. This may include staying with family and/or friends or finding a hotel that has the space and accommodations to take care of everyone in the family.It may not be ideal, but it may also be better than dealing with noise, dust, a temporary place to make food, and doing dishes in the sink. It may add a bit of normalcy and give everyone some privacy until it’s time to move back into the house.This can also be beneficial for young children and pets who may get upset about having strangers in their home. They won’t feel stressed and add to the noise by crying or barking, and that could help reduce the stress and discomfort of the other family members.If this is what a family plans to do while work is being done, make sure to add the cost into the budget. This will ensure that the plan is feasible and won’t add extra costs.


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