5 Things to Look For in a Countertop Installer

Proper Measuring“Measure twice, cut once,” is a popular phrase and for good reason. Cutting a countertop isn’t like cutting a piece of wood; supplies are inherently limited, and each square inch is generally more expensive. Taking every measurement twice is paramount to initiating a smooth production process. While it’s not recommended that customers hover over their installer’s shoulder as they take the measurement, it’s important to note how serious they are about taking the proper measurements.Mapping Out a RouteIn several cases, the difficulty of the entire installation rests on how clear the path from the truck to the kitchen is. It’s great to have a flat, entirely unobstructed route to get the pieces onto the counters, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, a kitchen countertop installer has to go up flights of stairs or around sizeable islands, which is, understandably, a much more difficult installation. In all cases, the installer must take the path to the kitchen into account, and make it clear to the customer.Free MeasurementsDealing with a contractor who demands an initial fee for taking the measurements is a red flag. If the installer asks for an initial fee, they’re likely attempting to give the customer more incentive to stick with their company for the entire production and installation process even if the overall price isn’t in the customer’s favor. Honest, reputable installers tend to work with fair providers who offer the standard market price on their material and services. This means that the best contractors include a free measurement and quote in their services, and customers shouldn’t settle for anything less.Honesty and OpennessAs it is in all cases of professional service, customers shouldn’t settle for anything less than an honest, communicative installer. The working partnership between the homeowner and the contractor shouldn’t be constricted by a hesitation to ask questions. It’s understandable that certain questions or concerns will arise during a kitchen renovation, and there’s no one who could answer those questions better than the professional contractor.PunctualityEveryone has their own schedule to maintain, so showing up on time is a kitchen contractor’s minimal requirement. Customers can gauge their potential installer’s sense of dedication by paying attention to whether they show up for the measurements on time. If they don’t, and they don’t seem to make it a specific point to check all measurements twice, it might be best to consult another contractor.  


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