5 Different Island Types That You Can Choose From

When doing a professional kitchen remodeling project in your Clarkston home, you may be faced with the big decision of finding the right island for the space. The island is a useful part of a kitchen because it offers additional countertop space, cabinet space below, and even an area for eating. Depending on the island, you can even get one that has an area for a sink so you can clean dishes there directly without having to walk around the area. If you are not yet sure what type of island to get, here are the different options that you can choose from.

  1. Worktable

This is a special type of island that is compact in size. Since it is small, it works best for smaller kitchens. If you have a limited space to work with, it is better to have this kind of island at home. It still offers ample countertop space and there are lots of great designs that you can choose from. Whether modern or traditional, you can find a worktable that can easily match your design plans. Since it is compact, it is a relatively affordable option compared to the bigger islands out there.

  1. For storage

There are islands that offer more storage space than others, so if that is what you need, this is the best type to choose. A storage-friendly island typically has a built-in cabinet space where you can keep your cookware and even your herbs and spices. You can also hide rarely used appliances there so that they don’t become an eyesore on the countertop.

  1. With a wash area

Another kind of island has a specific area where you can install a sink. Choosing this type of island allows you to quickly do food prep and post-cooking cleaning, later on. When you have to wash the dishes, you no longer have to move around the room to do so because the sink is right on the island. Aside from cleaning, this type of island allows you to quickly rinse something and get right back to what you were doing.

  1. For cooking

There are islands specifically designed for cooking only, which means that the majority of the space it adds is for the stove. This type of island is made from heat-resistant materials since you will be cooking directly on it. Additionally, it is likely that you will put hot pots and pans on it so the countertop is usually heat-resistant as well.

  1. For eating

There are people who prefer eating right where their food is prepared, so if you are one of them, you can get an island with an extended area that serves as a dining table. You can add stools on the other side, while one side remains as an area for food preparation.


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